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Cloud Statistics from Calipso Lidar Data for the Performance Assessment of a Methane Space Lidar
Oct 1, 2013 | Geoscience
In this thesis a performance assessment for the future German-French climate monitoring initiative, Methane Remote Sensing Lidar Mission (MERLIN), proposed by DLR and CNES in 2010 was undertaken. A general space lidar performance issue is the obstruction by optically...ESA News
- ESA at the 17th European Space Conference - Day 1 28/01/2025
- ESA and Hisdesat set to launch next-generation secure communications satellite 27/01/2025Hisdesat, Spain's premier provider of secure satellite communications, is set to launch its SpainSat Next Generation I (SNG I) satellite aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 29 January from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 20:34 EST (30 January at 02:34 CET). The European Space Agency (ESA)-supported satellite will provide more cost-effective, adaptable and secure communication […]
- Smouldering woody debris fuels air pollution over the Amazon 27/01/2025A groundbreaking study, funded by ESA, reveals that fire emissions in the Amazon and Cerrado are largely driven by the smouldering combustion of woody debris. This crucial discovery highlights the significant influence of fuel characteristics on fire emissions, with wide-ranging implications for global carbon cycles, air quality and biodiversity.
- The sounds of BepiColombo's sixth flight past Mercury 24/01/2025Video: 00:01:20 Listen to the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft as it flew past Mercury on 8 January 2025. This sixth and final flyby used the little planet's gravity to steer the spacecraft on course for entering orbit around Mercury in 2026. What you can hear in the sonification soundtrack of this video are real spacecraft vibrations measured […]
DLR News
- 20 Jahre DLR-Parabelflug - Grundlagenforschung mit Alltagsbezug 16/09/2019Zum 34. Mal kamen vom 2. bis 13. September 2019 Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure deutscher Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen ins südfranzösische Bordeaux, um an Bord des europaweit einzigen Parabelflugzeugs A310 ZERO-G unter der "Flagge" des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Schwerelosigkeit zu arbeiten.
- SOFIA zu Gast in Stuttgart - Erster Wissenschaftsflug über Europa 15/09/2019Am 16. September 2019 um voraussichtlich 4:14 Uhr wird die fliegende Sternwarte SOFIA (Stratosphären Observatorium Für Infrarot-Astronomie) – ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der US-amerikanischen Weltraumbehörde NASA und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) – auf dem Flughafen Stuttgart landen.
- Gezeitengletscher in Grönland - TanDEM-X-Höhenmodelle belegen stärksten Rückgang seit 80 Jahren 13/09/2019Der Kangerdlugssuaq-Gletscher ist der größte Gletscher an der Südostküste Grönlands und mündet in den gleichnamigen Fjord. Die Gletscherfront, die in der Vergangenheit durch eine sogenannte Eis-Mélange, ein dichtes und starres Paket aus Meereis und gekalbten Eisbergen geschützt war, zieht sich aber zunehmend zurück und der Gletscher kalbt jedes Jahr etwa 24 Kubikkilometer Eis in den […]
- Ozonloch, Amazonasbrände und Schwerewellen im Fokus des deutschen Forschungsflugzeugs HALO 11/09/2019Mit der Mission "SOUTHTRAC" (Transport and Composition of the Southern Hemisphere UTLS) erkundet das deutsche Forschungsflugzeug HALO im September und November 2019 die südliche Atmosphäre und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Klimawandel. Das wichtigste Ziel der ersten Kampagnenphase ist die Untersuchung von Schwerewellen an der Südspitze Amerikas und über der Antarktis.
International Space Station
- Crew Preps for Thursday Spacewalk and Works Space Gardening 28/01/2025Spacewalk preparations and space gardening were the main duties aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday. The seven Expedition 72 crewmates also serviced electronics systems and packed a cargo craft for its upcoming departure. Commander Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Butch Wilmore began their day with standard health checks required for astronauts getting ready for […]Mark Garcia
- Spacewalk Robotics Training, Red Lettuce Harvesting Kick Off Week 27/01/2025Preparations continue for a spacewalk to remove communications hardware and check for microbes outside the International Space Station later this week. Meanwhile, the Expedition 72 crew harvested red lettuce for a space agriculture study and continued its upkeep of the orbital outpost. Commander Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Butch Wilmore are scheduled to begin a […]Mark Garcia
- Spacesuit Work and Life Science Wrap Up Week Aboard Station 24/01/2025The week ended aboard the International Space Station with spacesuit maintenance and research into how microgravity affects blood pressure and breathing. The Expedition 72 residents also serviced a variety of hardware supporting science experiments and life support systems aboard the orbital outpost. Two NASA astronauts, Commander Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Butch Wilmore, continued gearing […]Mark Garcia
- Combustion, Biology Studies and Housecleaning Duties Fill Station Crew’s Day 23/01/2025The Expedition 72 crew took a break from spacewalk preparations on Thursday and focused on combustion and biology research. The seven orbital residents also worked on housecleaning duties and lab maintenance ensuring the upkeep of the International Space Station. Station Commander Suni Williams turned her attention to cleaning crew quarters and filming an educational video […]Mark Garcia
- Spacewalk Preps Focus on Robotics; Earth and Piloting Studies Round Out Day 22/01/2025Spacewalk preparations continue aboard the International Space Station to remove communications gear and search for microbes next week. The Expedition 72 crew members also worked on a host of advanced science experiments and housecleaning duties throughout the day on Wednesday. Station Commander Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Butch Wilmore are slated to begin their spacewalk […]Mark Garcia
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