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Cloud Statistics from Calipso Lidar Data for the Performance Assessment of a Methane Space Lidar
Oct 1, 2013 | Geoscience
In this thesis a performance assessment for the future German-French climate monitoring initiative, Methane Remote Sensing Lidar Mission (MERLIN), proposed by DLR and CNES in 2010 was undertaken. A general space lidar performance issue is the obstruction by optically...Bam, Iran – Earthquake detection with the ASAR instrument of ENVISAT
Jun 7, 2013 | Geoscience
The purpose of this article The devastating major earthquake which occured on December 23, 2003 with a moment magnitude of 6.6, that caused a huge number of human casualties, as well as major destructions in Bam and the surrounding Kerman province in Iran, had been...ESA News
- Fly around Ares Vallis on Mars 20/11/2024Video: 00:04:30 Explore the immense power of water as ESA’s Mars Express takes us on a flight over curving channels, streamlined islands and muddled ‘chaotic terrain’ on Mars, soaking up rover landing sites along the way.This beautiful flight around the Oxia Palus region of Mars covers a total area of approximately 890 000 km², more […]
- New full Sun views show sunspots, fields and restless plasma 20/11/2024Zoom into Solar Orbiter's four new Sun images, assembled from high-resolution observations by the spacecraft's PHI and EUI instruments made on 22 March 2023. The PHI images are the highest-resolution full views of the Sun's visible surface to date, including maps of the Sun's messy magnetic field and movement on the surface. These can be […]
- ESA’s Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) programme 20/11/2024Video: 00:02:18 At ESA, through the Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems programme, we’re addressing solutions for when safety and security of communication services cannot be guaranteed by the terrestrial networks alone. With our programme Space systems for Safety and Security, or 4S, we are pioneering cutting-edge development of secure and resilient satellite communication systems, technologies and services […]
- Space for Shore: Sentinel-1 reveals Arctic glacier retreat 19/11/2024As Arctic temperatures rise, marine-terminating glaciers—especially in places like Svalbard—are undergoing rapid retreat and intensified calving.The ESA-funded Space for Shore project utilises radar data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission to provide precise, year-over-year insights into glacier retreat and calving intensity, particularly in areas like Kongsfjorden, where notable glaciers are experiencing significant retreat.
DLR News
- 20 Jahre DLR-Parabelflug - Grundlagenforschung mit Alltagsbezug 16/09/2019Zum 34. Mal kamen vom 2. bis 13. September 2019 Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure deutscher Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen ins südfranzösische Bordeaux, um an Bord des europaweit einzigen Parabelflugzeugs A310 ZERO-G unter der "Flagge" des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Schwerelosigkeit zu arbeiten.
- SOFIA zu Gast in Stuttgart - Erster Wissenschaftsflug über Europa 15/09/2019Am 16. September 2019 um voraussichtlich 4:14 Uhr wird die fliegende Sternwarte SOFIA (Stratosphären Observatorium Für Infrarot-Astronomie) – ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der US-amerikanischen Weltraumbehörde NASA und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) – auf dem Flughafen Stuttgart landen.
- Gezeitengletscher in Grönland - TanDEM-X-Höhenmodelle belegen stärksten Rückgang seit 80 Jahren 13/09/2019Der Kangerdlugssuaq-Gletscher ist der größte Gletscher an der Südostküste Grönlands und mündet in den gleichnamigen Fjord. Die Gletscherfront, die in der Vergangenheit durch eine sogenannte Eis-Mélange, ein dichtes und starres Paket aus Meereis und gekalbten Eisbergen geschützt war, zieht sich aber zunehmend zurück und der Gletscher kalbt jedes Jahr etwa 24 Kubikkilometer Eis in den […]
- Ozonloch, Amazonasbrände und Schwerewellen im Fokus des deutschen Forschungsflugzeugs HALO 11/09/2019Mit der Mission "SOUTHTRAC" (Transport and Composition of the Southern Hemisphere UTLS) erkundet das deutsche Forschungsflugzeug HALO im September und November 2019 die südliche Atmosphäre und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Klimawandel. Das wichtigste Ziel der ersten Kampagnenphase ist die Untersuchung von Schwerewellen an der Südspitze Amerikas und über der Antarktis.
International Space Station
- Astronaut Health Studies Fill Crew Day Before Thursday’s Cargo Launch 20/11/2024Keeping astronauts healthy on long term space missions is a key research topic this week aboard the International Space Station. Back on the ground, a cargo craft is counting down to its launch to resupply the Expedition 72 crew. NASA Flight Engineers Don Pettit and Nick Hague worked together all day Wednesday exploring how living […]Mark Garcia
- Space Biology, Student Robotics Top Day as Cargo Craft Departs 19/11/2024Space biology to improve health and robotics to promote education were the primary research topics aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday. The Expedition 72 crew members also saw the departure of a cargo craft as another one prepares for launch. NASA Flight Engineer Don Pettit continued nourishing research samples and servicing an artificial gravity-generating […]Mark Garcia
- Space Station Raises Orbit Avoiding Orbital Debris 19/11/2024The Progress 89 thrusters were fired at 2:09 p.m. CST today for 5 minutes, 31 seconds, to raise the orbit of the International Space Station to provide an extra margin of distance from a piece of orbital debris from a defunct defense meteorological satellite that broke up in 2015. The Pre-determined Debris Avoidance Maneuver (PDAM) […]Mark Garcia
- Monday’s Research Boosting Astronaut Health Amid Cargo Mission Preps 18/11/2024The Expedition 72 crew members began the week exploring the numerous ways living in space affects the human body to develop advanced therapies promoting health on and off the Earth. The orbital residents are also preparing for the departure of a cargo ship and the arrival of another this week at the International Space Station. […]Mark Garcia
- Advanced Life Support, Robotics, and Repair Tech Studies Wrap Up Week 15/11/2024The Expedition 72 crew explored new technologies on Friday including life support systems supported by photosynthesis, capturing satellites with robots, and cold welding in microgravity. The International Space Station residents also continued checking out spacesuits while keeping up standard lab maintenance tasks at the end of the week. Using micro-algae to remove carbon dioxide, produce […]Mark Garcia
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